Cleaning Tips and Tools You Need: Tips from the #CleanTeam

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Whether you're a culinary enthusiast or someone who just enjoys a well-maintained living space keeping up with cleaning can de a baiting task. Our clean team has years of experience and have put together must-haves and must-know tips that we hope helps. Just remember, you do not need to have a spotless home all the time and it can be a lot for one person. Embrace the idea of outsourcing your clean to the professionals or following a helpful cleaning routine! For now, we will walk you through tips to clean your home and highlight the best tools to make the job easier and more efficient. Before diving into the cleaning process, gather all the necessary tools and supplies. Having everything on hand in a caddy that you can just grab & go will save you time and ensure that you can tackle every nook and cranny of your home.


The Cleaning Supplies:

  •  All-purpose cleaner

  • Glass cleaner

  • Dish soap

  • Microfiber cloths

  • Sponges

  • Trash bags

  • Rubber gloves

  • Scrub brushes (varying sizes)

  • Mop

  • Broom and dustpan

  • Extendable duster

  • Cleaning caddy

From basic essentials like microfiber cloths and a broom to specialized tools such an extendable duster, each item plays a crucial role in maintaining a spotless and healthy living environment. A cleaning caddy makes cleaning so much easier! By investing in these must-have tools, you can streamline your cleaning routine and achieve optimal results in every corner of your home.



Kitchen Cleaning Tips:

Degrease Surfaces Regularly: The kitchen tends to accumulate grease on surfaces. Use a mixture of warm water and a grease-cutting dish soap to clean kitchen cabinets, countertops, and appliances.

Clean the Microwave with Ease: Spray all purpose in the microwave, targeting stubborn spots. Let it sit for a few minutes to loosen grime. Wipe the interior with a microfiber cloth, tackling stains effortlessly. Finish by dampening another cloth with water and wiping down surfaces to remove any residual cleaning supply scent.

Revitalize Stainless Steel Appliances: Buff stainless steel appliances with a mixture of olive oil and vinegar to remove fingerprints and add shine.

Refrigerator Tactics: Remove all items from the fridge Use disinfectant spray to clean shelves and drawers. Wipe down the interior with a damp cloth. Clean the exterior with an all-purpose cleaner.Check and replace any expired food.

Bathroom Cleaning Tips:

Prevent Mold in the Shower: Keep bathroom surfaces dry to prevent mold growth. Wipe down shower walls and curtains after use, and fix any leaks promptly.

Unclog Drains Naturally: Pour a mixture of baking soda and vinegar down drains to keep them clear and fresh. Follow with boiling water to flush away debris.

Living Room Cleaning Tips:

Refresh Upholstery: Vacuum upholstery often to avoid heavy accumulation of dust and debris.

Dust Electronics Safely: Use a microfiber cloth or an anti-static duster to clean electronic devices. Turn off devices before dusting to avoid static electricity buildup.

Cleaning Surfaces

 Now that your appliances are shining, it's time to turn your attention to the various surfaces in home.


  • Clean bathroom surfaces with a bathroom-specific cleaner or an all purpose cleaner with microfiber

  • Scrub tiles, sinks, and countertops with any size brush or sponge

  • Disinfect high-touch areas like faucet handles and doorknobs.


  •  Spray, scrub, then wipe down countertops with an all-purpose cleaner.

  • Use a degreasing spray for tougher stains.

  • Consider sealing natural stone countertops to protect against stains.

Cabinets and Drawers:

  •  Empty cabinets and drawers one at a time.

  • Wipe down the interior with a damp cloth.

  • Use an appropriate cleaner for the material of your cabinets (wood cleaner, metal cleaner, etc.).

  • Consider adding shelf liners for easy future cleaning.

Glass surface:

  • For glass surfaces and mirrors, use a glass cleaner .and a microfiber

  • Wipe in an up and down motion then side-to-side to prevent streaks and achieve a crystal-clear finish.

 Tackling the Floors:

 Floors at home are often the recipient of spills and crumbs. A thorough cleaning will leave your kitchen looking pristine.

Sweeping and Vacuuming:

  •  Sweep or vacuum the floor to remove loose dirt and debris.

  • Pay extra attention to corners and under appliances.


  •  Use a suitable floor cleaner for your flooring type.

  • Mop in small sections, starting from the farthest corner and working your way towards the exit.

  • Let the floor air-dry or dry with a clean, dry mop.

The Final Touches

Want someone else to do it?

Congratulations, you've made it through the cleaning process. Now, add the finishing touches to ensure your home remains clean and organized.

Disinfecting High-Touch Areas:

In areas with high traffic or frequent contact, such as doorknobs, light switches, and remote controls, use a disinfectant to eliminate germs and bacteria. Ensure the disinfectant is left on the surface for the recommended contact time.

Dusting and polishing:

Dusting and polishing is essential for a truly clean home. Pay attention to often overlooked areas such as baseboards, ceiling fans, and light fixtures. Additionally, polishing surfaces like wooden furniture or stainless steel appliances adds an extra shine, making the home feel refreshed. 

Bedding and Linens:

Bedrooms are sanctuaries, and ensuring clean and fresh bedding is vital. Make the bed with crisp linens, fluff pillows, and consider using a linen spray for a subtle fragrance. Washing and changing bedding regularly contribute not only to cleanliness but also to a good night's sleep.

Checking Hidden Spaces:

The final touches should also include a check of hidden or less frequented spaces. Behind furniture, vents, and the tops of cabinets. These often-neglected areas can harbor dust and dirt, impacting the overall cleanliness of the home.

Implement a daily routine to maintain the cleanliness of your home. Encourage everyone in the household to clean up after themselves to prevent messes from accumulating. A weekly cleaning routine not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your home but also contributes to a healthier and more enjoyable living space. By following the steps outlined in this guide and using the recommended tools, you'll be well on your way to maintaining a sparkling kitchen that reflects the heart of your home. If you’re still thinking “I need HELP!” then outsource your cleaning! If you are located in Metro Atlanta. and are looking for a dedicated housekeeper, look no further. Remember, consistency is key, so make cleaning a part of your regular routine with Saturday Morning Clean today and enjoy a beautiful and functional home for years to come.